Government & Politics

Cabinet Committee Approves Ambitious Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan

In a significant stride towards sustainable energy practices, the Cabinet Committee on Energy has given its seal of approval to the comprehensive Energy Conservation Action Plan.

This landmark decision underscores the government’s commitment to optimizing energy utilization and mitigating environmental impact.

The committee’s endorsement encompasses various pivotal measures aimed at fostering energy efficiency across diverse sectors of the economy. Notably, it has sanctioned the Energy Conservation Building Code along with meticulous regulations governing electrical appliances, a move set to revolutionize energy consumption patterns.

One of the most notable facets of the action plan is its substantial financial impact. Over the course of seven years, an impressive savings of Rs. 1,834 billion is projected to be realized, bolstering the nation’s economic resilience while simultaneously conserving vital energy resources.

The forward-looking strategy extends its influence well into the future, with a target of achieving an impressive 9 million tons of energy savings by the year 2030. As a direct consequence of these endeavors, the emission of a substantial 35 metric tons of carbon dioxide is anticipated to be curtailed by the same deadline.

The scope of the action plan is all-encompassing, embracing sectors vital to the country’s development. Industries, buildings, transportation networks, and the agricultural domain will all witness significant strides towards energy efficiency.

A pivotal element of the plan involves the implementation of regulations and limitations on energy-consuming motors, a move poised to take effect by 2027. This not only encourages energy-conscious decisions but also paves the way for a sustainable future.

The industrial sector is also in the spotlight, as inefficient boilers are slated for replacement with more efficient alternatives, embodying the overarching goal of achieving optimal energy utilization.

In a bid to meticulously monitor and optimize energy practices, energy audits are set to be carried out within the industrial sector and commercial buildings, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of energy consumption patterns and potential avenues for improvement.

Building codes, enforced for constructions commencing in 2024 and onwards, signify a resolute commitment to embedding energy-efficient standards within the very fabric of the nation’s infrastructure.

The transportation sector is poised for remarkable transformation, with projections indicating energy savings of 2.48 million tons. By 2030, a commendable reduction of 7.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions is anticipated, further solidifying the nation’s resolve towards environmental preservation.

Likewise, the power sector is not to be outdone. It anticipates a noteworthy savings of 1 million tons of oil by 2030, paralleled by a reduction of 6 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions within the same time frame.

The petroleum sector, instrumental in driving economic progress, is set to contribute to the national cause, with a projected energy savings of 0.4 million tons over the next seven years. This bodes well for the dual objectives of energy conservation and sustainable growth.

In tandem with these efforts, the emission of 0.94 metric tons of carbon dioxide is slated to be curtailed by 2030 within the broader energy sector, signifying a holistic approach towards environmental stewardship.

Agriculture, a linchpin of the nation’s economy, is primed to play its part. An estimated energy savings of 0.64 million tons by 2030 will align agricultural practices with the larger goal of sustainable energy management.

By 2030, the agricultural sector aims to achieve an admirable reduction of 2.82 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, a feat that underscores its vital role in the national sustainability agenda.

Looking ahead, stringent regulations are set to be implemented for fans, air conditioners, refrigerators, and various electrical appliances by 2023. The subsequent year will see analogous regulations for gas appliances, solidifying the commitment towards energy-efficient practices.

In an ultimate display of commitment, energy-efficient standards will be rigorously applied to transformers, cables, and other electrical equipment within the realm of electricity generation, aligning with the overarching objectives of the Energy Conservation Action Plan.

This multi-faceted initiative, underpinned by data-driven projections and a resolute dedication to sustainable practices, positions Pakistan on a trajectory towards responsible energy stewardship and a brighter, greener future.

Source: Pro Pakistani