Deadly Congo Virus Claims Six Lives in Balochistan

The Congo virus has resulted in the deaths of at least six people this year, including women and children, in different districts of Balochistan. The provincial health authorities have reported 35 cases of the virus with six of them being fatal.

Balochistan has experienced Congo virus outbreaks before, with several deaths occurring in the late 80s and mid-90s due to the epidemic.


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Last month, a 28-year-old man became the first case of the Congo virus from Karachi this year and unfortunately passed away while receiving treatment at a private hospital.

The virus is mainly transmitted to humans through ticks found on livestock such as cattle and can cause symptoms like high fever, muscle pain, vomiting, and internal bleeding. There is no specific treatment or vaccine available, which results in a high fatality rate.


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The provincial health department has urged citizens to take preventive measures such as wearing protective clothing and using insect repellents when near cattle or other livestock to avoid contracting the virus.

Source: Pro Pakistani