Pakistan urges UN to keep focus on children’s plight in IIOJK

Pakistan has urged the United Nations to keep focus on children’s plight in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Speaking in the annual debate on “Children and Armed Conflict” at United Nations, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Munir Akram said Indian forces are committing “horrifying crimes” against children in occupied territory.

He said children and youth are routinely detained and subjected to torture and ill-treatment in order to elicit intelligence or extract confessions that they are associated with the Kashmiri groups struggling for the self-determination which was promised by the Security Council.

Munir Akram cited the Secretary-General’s report which urged the Indian Government to undertake preventive measures to protect children in IIOJK, including by ending the use of pellets and illegal detention, both in occupied Kashmir and in various prisons across India.

Source: Radio Pakistan