Government & Politics

President for enhanced cooperation with China, Venezuela, Colombia

President Dr. Arif Alvi has called for more robust cooperation with China in the areas of trade, economy, culture and defense.

He made these remarks during his meetings with the Ambassadors-designates of China, Venezuela, and Colombia, who presented their diplomatic credentials to the President and separately called on him in Islamabad today.

The President said China is a reliable and tested friend and Pakistan wants to further strengthen the strategic relations with China for the mutual benefit of the two countries.

Welcoming the Ambassador-designate of China to Pakistan, Mr. Jiang Zaidong, Dr Arif Alvi said Pakistan highly values its ties with China as it has always stood by Pakistan at difficult times.

Highlighting the importance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the President said CPEC would greatly contribute to the socio-economic development of Pakistan. He said Pakistan is fully committed to timely completion of all projects under CPEC.

The President expressed his gratitude for China’s unflinching support to Pakistan’s socio-economic development as well as its principled stance on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

In his meeting with the Ambassador-designate of the Venezuela Mr. Jose Rafael Silva Aponte, Dr Arif Alvi said Pakistan places special emphasis on improving trade and economic relations with Venezuela. He highlighted that the Venezuelan investors can benefit investment-friendly policies of Pakistan.

While talking to the Ambassador-designate of Colombia, Mr. Julio Anibal Riano Velandia, the President underlined the need for further enhancing economic, culture and trade relations with Columbia.

The President congratulated the envoys on their appointments and expressed the hope that they would play their role to further enhance bilateral cooperation between their respective countries and Pakistan.

Source: Radio Pakistan