
Govt Launches Protest Against Holy Quran Desecration

The government has officially announced that Yaum-e-Taqaddus-e-Quran will be observed on Friday, in response to the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif presided over a meeting on Tuesday, where it was decided that protest rallies would be held nationwide on Friday to condemn this act.

The PM called upon the entire nation to participate in the protest and send a united message against such malicious acts. Additionally, the government will convene a joint session of parliament on Thursday to formulate a strategy on the issue and represent the sentiments and feelings of the nation through the parliament.

Originally scheduled for Monday evening, the joint session will also adopt a resolution condemning the desecration of the Holy Quran. PM Sharif emphasized that nations and leaders who believe in peace and coexistence must address Islamophobia and religious biases. He highlighted that those who harbor a violent mindset and target religions, sacred figures, beliefs, and ideologies pose a threat to global peace.

In response to worldwide protests and outrage over the desecration of the Holy Quran, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has granted Pakistan’s request and announced an urgent session to address Islamophobia and religious hatred.

During a press briefing, a spokesperson for the UN Council in Geneva stated that the session would primarily focus on the increasing religious hatred worldwide. The agenda of the ongoing session, which concludes on 14 July, will be adjusted to include the urgent debate, as requested by Pakistan.

Source: Pro Pakistani