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PPP Wants Bhutto’s Image on Rupee Notes

The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has passed a resolution urging the federal government to declare party founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto as a national democratic hero and to include his image on currency notes.

The resolution was approved during a seminar titled ‘Bhutto Reference and History,’ which focused on discussions related to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s reference.

The resolution commended the Supreme Court for recognizing the unfairness of the trial leading to the execution of the PPP founder. It urged the federal government to grant him the title of ‘Quaid-e-Awam’ (Leader of the People) and the highest civilian honor, Nishan-e-Pakistan.

In addition to advocating for Bhutto’s image to be featured on currency notes, the resolution also called for the construction of a monument in his honor and the designation of his mausoleum as a national shrine.

Furthermore, the resolution urged the reversal of the unjust death sentence imposed on Bhutto and proposed the creation of a ‘Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Award’ to honor d
emocracy activists who have made sacrifices for the cause.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto received a death sentence during the regime of former military ruler General (retired) Ziaul Haq.

As the country’s first elected prime minister, he was accused of the murder of political rival Nawab Mohammed Ahmed Qasuri, leading to a trial. Despite petitions and appeals for clemency and mercy from various Heads of State, Bhutto was executed on April 4, 1979.

Source: Pro Pakistani