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President, PM extend Eid greetings to Muslim Ummah

President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif have felicitated the nation and the Muslim Ummah on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul- Fitr and urged them to show compassion and generosity and share their happiness with the poor and needy.

In a message, the President prayed to Allah Almighty to bring immense blessings, happiness, peace and security to everyone on this blessed day.

Asif Ali Zardari said the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr sends us the message that as a nation we are determined to overcome challenges, extend a helping hand to the needy and ready to work for a bright and prosperous future for everybody.

He called for making an effort to become a united and strong nation by showing brotherhood and tolerance and ensuring social and economic justice and mutual unity and solidarity.

The President, on behalf of the Pakistani nation, he expressed solidarity with the oppressed Muslims of Gaza and Palestine..

He impressed upon the international community to ensure immediate peace in
Gaza and provision of assistance to the Palestinians. He said the oppression, barbarity and genocide by Israel is the gravest violation of human rights.

Asif Ali Zardari further said that, on this occasion of happiness, we should not forget the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He assured that the entire Pakistani nation stands with their Kashmiri brothers and sisters.

The President said Pakistan would continue moral, diplomatic and political support to Kashmiris for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute according to the United Nations resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people.

In his message, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said this day marks the end of Ramazan, a month of immense blessings, spiritual growth, forgiveness, patience, tolerance and resilience.

The Prime Minister said the underlying message of Eid is that of solidarity, compassion, generosity and harmony and inspires us to build a peaceful and prosperous society. While we enjoy the celebratory delight of thi
s great occasion, we must not forget the least fortunate amongst us. He appealed to the entire nation to help those around who deserve our support so that they could also share the joys of this occasion.

Paying rich tribute to martyrs, Shehbaz Sharif said we should also remember those, who have sacrificed their lives so that the nation lives in peace and tranquility. He said the entire nation salutes the gallant veterans who work tirelessly to protect country’s borders, maintain internal security and contribute to peacekeeping missions abroad. They deserve our utmost respect and recognition.

Shehbaz Sharif also urged Muslims around the world to remember their Palestinian and Kashmiri brothers and sisters who are facing the worst kind of atrocities of the occupation forces and they will be constrained to enjoy the joys of Eid. We all pray to Almighty Allah to ease their difficulties.

Source: Radio Pakistan