General News

Law Minister announces immediate construction of Lawyers Complex in Islamabad next month

Federal Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar has announced immediate construction of Lawyers Complex in Islamabad next month.           

He was speaking at a Flag Hoisting Ceremony on Independence Day arranged by District Bar Association and High Court Bar Association at Islamabad High Court building.

The Law Minister announced that tenders regarding construction of chambers will be published in newspapers soon.

He said that 1000 million rupees earmarked for chambers will be credited in Islamabad Bar Council account by tomorrow or Wednesday.

Azam Nazeer Tarar also promised to resolve space problem of the Islamabad Bar Council.

Members and office bearers of Islamabad Bar Association and High Court Bar Association hailed the announcement.

They said their long lasting demand is going to accomplish by untiring efforts of Bar considering it a top priority. 

Source: Radio Pakistan